Our Story
How it all started...
It all started with a dream in 1961. Several people in Wilmington were traveling to the First Christian Church in Joliet, Illinois every Sunday to worship in a style different than offered locally. One of the aforementioned people asked the leadership of that congregation why they couldn't just start a new work in Wilmington, and the leaders told them they could. So, in the Spring of 1961, a few families gathered in a house on Roberts Street to hold the first service for First Christian Church of Wilmington.

Expanding the vision...
Relevant biblical teaching mixed with deep relationships and community service was the goal of this first few of the congregation. It was a grass roots movement in the area, with the members inviting their friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors to come and see this new way of doing church. Lives were being changed, the body of Christ in Wilmington was growing, and it was just the beginning.
Where we are now...
Today we have a deep connection with our roots. Relevant methods and biblical teaching are still at the forefront of what we do on Sunday mornings. Meaningful relationships are fostered as we engage in family groups and work in community service. Our methods have changed with the times, but our values have stayed the same.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 8:30am and 10:00am in person and 10:00am online!