All relationships require communication. As followers of Christ, we are committed to connecting with him and growing in him through regular prayer and reading God’s Word daily. We pray big prayers, unleashing the power of God in our lives. We follow faithfully the Word of God as the source of truth, sowing it in our hearts as it alone is adequate to guide the Christian in all matters of faith, practice, and knowledge of salvation. “God speaks to those who take time to listen, and He listens to those who take time to pray.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17, John 1:1, Matthew 4:1-4, Luke 6:12-13
2 Timothy 3:16-17, John 1:1, Matthew 4:1-4, Luke 6:12-13

In Christ, we are a united community. Community is God’s idea, and God is the example of a perfectly united community in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God designed us to be in community. God’s strength and power is found in community. In Him we are part of a great big and eternal family of believers. God’s plan is for us to be in community; to love each other and be loved by each other. “We need God, and we need each other.”
Gen 1:26, Acts 2:44, Hebrews 10:23-25, John 1:12,15:5,
1 Corinthians 12:12, 14, 18
Gen 1:26, Acts 2:44, Hebrews 10:23-25, John 1:12,15:5,
1 Corinthians 12:12, 14, 18

We are on mission; being the light of Jesus to the world, sharing the Good News of forgiveness, redemption, restoration, and salvation through the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Our mission field is illuminated by our unique story of life transformation, background, and presence in the world. “Our mess is our ministry”. The mission of the church is about action as we are called to “GO” into the world and make disciples of all nations. “God’s plan to reach the world is you”
Matthew 28:18-20, 9:37, Galatians 2:7
Matthew 28:18-20, 9:37, Galatians 2:7

Nobody likes a fake. We value authentic practice of faith where love for God and love for people is at the core of our being, the rhythm of our heart. Our practice of faith in thoughts, words, deeds, and actions are a reflection of Jesus, evidence of personal surrender to Jesus, and continually grow our relationship with him. We follow Jesus by practicing his example of grace, integrity, humility, purpose, and love. We seek to authentically love; finding our joy in the joy of others through Christ. “Jesus cares more about the inside than the outside”
1 Timothy 1:5, Philippians 1:27, 2:3-8, 1 Samuel 16:7,
Matthew 23:37-39, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
1 Timothy 1:5, Philippians 1:27, 2:3-8, 1 Samuel 16:7,
Matthew 23:37-39, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

We give generously (with open hands and open hearts) of our time, talents, money, and resources to God as a joyful response to the abundant blessing of life and salvation he has given us. All we have is God’s. Internally, generosity frees our heart to focus on eternal treasures and is a joyful expression of worship to God. Externally, we use what we have to plant seeds for the kingdom; to share the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ in our families, community, nation, and throughout the world. “Joy flows through generosity, connecting God and others”
Luke 16:8-13, Matthew 6:19-20, 2 Corinthians 8:1-6, 9:6-7, Galatians 5:22-23, Ecclesiastes 5:10, Acts 2:44-47, Acts 20:34, Malachi 3:10,
Luke 16:8-13, Matthew 6:19-20, 2 Corinthians 8:1-6, 9:6-7, Galatians 5:22-23, Ecclesiastes 5:10, Acts 2:44-47, Acts 20:34, Malachi 3:10,

We are ALIVE because Christ has given us new life! The old is gone, the new is here! Because of Christ, we are freed from the power of circumstance, sin and death in our life. We have been forgiven! We express gratitude actively, worship him vibrantly, and give all praise and glory to him joyfully…ALIVE! We worship in all aspects of our life (with all that we have and all that we are), pointing to Jesus; our light and power source through all life circumstances now and into eternity. We are free to smile, free to love, free to give, free to worship, and alive…through Christ. “We shine the light of Jesus. We are ALIVE!”

the Bible
We believe the Bible, that Scripture in its entirety originated with God, and it is intended for use by man in all matters of faith and conduct. Scripture reflects the personalities of the human writers who were chosen by God. However, the Bible is a revelation from God alone. It is perfectly accurate, authoritative, complete, and reliable.

The Bible Teaches that God is the sovereign Creator and the Lord of all that exists. He is one and yet exists eternally in three personalities: Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit.

The Bible Teaches that Sin separates us from God. Sin is any conscious thought or action that does not please God. It is the mark of human imperfection and the reason we are in need of reconciliation to God.

The Bible Teaches that Jesus Christ is God's eternally existing son. He lived on earth in human form as a product of miraculous conception and virgin birth. Jesus lived a sinless life and was a willing sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on the cross. His resurrection after death provided an opportunity for all people to have abundant and eternal life.

the Holy Spirit
The Bible Teaches that the Holy Spirit is God who comes to live within every believer at conversion. He provides the believer with all that is necessary (direction, gifts, fruit) to live within the will of God.

The Bible Teaches that Human Beings, though created in the very image of God, have chosen to disobey God by sinning. It is only by the perfect sacrifice of Christ that human beings can be reconciled to God.

The Bible Teaches that Salvation is an act of God's love and grace. This gift from God is free to anyone who chooses to follow Jesus Christ in faith as his/her Savior. That eternal gift is appropriated as a believer demonstrates trust by obeying Him as Lord.
First Christian Church has a rich history that sprung roots in the heart of Wilmington over 60 years ago.
God has loved the members of FCC through the years. Always enduring, ever growing. Allowing for FCC to continue its legacy in Wilmington and the surrounding communities.

jason pace
Lead Pastor
Jason is the husband to his high-school sweetheart Pam and the father of 3 kids; daughter Pria and sons Rece and Malachi. He grew up a Hoosier, in Plainfield just west of Indianapolis. The Pace's lived just south of Cincinnati in Northern Kentucky for 18 years before moving to Wilmington in December 2020. He is a lifelong student with paper from Indiana University, Xavier University, and biblical studies at Johnson University.
Fun Fact: Jason runs Spartan races and a marathons despite self-proclaiming to dislike running!
Fun Fact: Jason runs Spartan races and a marathons despite self-proclaiming to dislike running!

dan lesch
Worship Leader
Dan Lesch is a band and choir director for the St. Anne School Districts and lives with his wife, Alyssa, in Kankakee, Illinois. Dan has always been active in music and has performed with numerous musical groups in the area, including the Kankakee Symphony Orchestra, River Valley Winds Ensemble, and has guest conducted for the Kankakee Municipal band. Daniel has also conducted and arranged music for the Olivet Nazarene University Show Choir Combo as well as co-owns a music production company with his father-in-law. Dan likes to spend his free time with Alyssa in their large vegetable garden, playing board games with friends, and playing music with friends and family.
Fun Fact: Dan has a collection of rubber ducks, and his favorite instrument to play is the Tuba.
Fun Fact: Dan has a collection of rubber ducks, and his favorite instrument to play is the Tuba.
dacia lambert
Children's Ministry Director
Dacia has been a long time follower of Jesus as well as a member of FCC. She loves that we get to share stories of God's love with the next generation and encourage a strong foundation in a relationship with Jesus. When she has some free time she loves to cook and bake for friends and family.
Fun Fact: Dacia loves llamas... a lot. Her daughter, Stephanie, says she has an unusual obsession with them. She finds that they calm her and make her smile.
Fun Fact: Dacia loves llamas... a lot. Her daughter, Stephanie, says she has an unusual obsession with them. She finds that they calm her and make her smile.
karen jackson
Karen was born and raised in Texas. In 2014, at the tender age of 39, she journeyed north to Wilmington with her husband, Keith, and their two kiddos, Keifer and Kate. She joined the FCC staff in the summer of 2017 as one of the children's ministry directors. She transitioned to the administrative side of FCC during the summer of 2020.
Fun Fact: Karen loves Diet Dr. Pepper and K-Pop!
Fun Fact: Karen loves Diet Dr. Pepper and K-Pop!