Far From Others

Nov 12, 2023

This message was shared on 11/12/23 at First Christian Church in Wilmington, Illinois.

Come along as we consider what it means to invite others as Pastor Jason continues his series Building Bigger Tables. In this message, Jason emphasizes the importance of practicing hospitality and reaching out to those who are lonely and isolated. He discusses the teachings of Jesus on genuine hospitality and highlights the significance of humility, pure motivation, and inclusivity. We are called to make space for others, fill empty chairs, and share the love of Christ with those who feel far from others.

First Christian Church in Wilmington

Website: www.fccwilmington.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com/fccwilmington

YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCifTWqQVHGRQCAhRwZ4QIdA