Godly Community

Feb 25, 2024    Jason Pace

This message was shared on 2/25/24 at First Christian Church in Wilmington, Illinois.

Pastor Jason Pace highlights the importance of unity, commitment, and communal worship in a godly community. It focuses on the Israelites' exodus from Egypt. Despite their disobedience to God by worshipping a golden calf in Moses' absence, they are given a second chance to prove their devotion. They are called upon to build a tabernacle, make offerings, and participate communally in worship. Pastor Jason explains that unity is pivotal in the community by creating a shared vision and fostering a sense of togetherness. He deems commitment essential for giving sacrificially of one's resources and talents for the sake of the community. Communal worship allows for experiencing God's presence and glory, enhancing its importance. Pastor Jason stresses the need for a community to be under God. We are called to self-examine our obedience to God and recognize the significance of a godly community.

First Christian Church in Wilmington

Website: www.fccwilmington.org

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