A Thirst for Something New

Jan 7, 2024    Jason Pace

This message was shared on 1/7/24 at First Christian Church in Wilmington, Illinois.

Follow Pastor Jason Into the Wilderness as he spends the next several weeks highlighting lessons from the Exodus. Jason begins this week by using Legos as an analogy for the story of the Bible and emphasizes the need to align with God as the master builder. Sin is portrayed as a tyrant who enslaves and separates us from God, causing chaos in our lives. Jason highlights the story of the Israelites in Exodus, where Pharaoh represents the tyrant, and the midwives rebel against his orders to save others. Compassion and faith are emphasized as the keys to breaking free from the tyranny of sin and aligning with God. We are called to accept Jesus and rebel against the tyrant through faith.

First Christian Church in Wilmington

Website: www.fccwilmington.org

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YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCifTWqQVHGRQCAhRwZ4QIdA